Friday, August 16, 2013

Henry Havemeyer: Sugar King and Dean of Sugar Refiners

Henry Havemeyer was an American businessman who was known as the founder of the American Sugar Refining Company. He was born in 1847 in New York City. He inherited his family’s sugar refining business and expanded it with the help of his brother, Theodore. At his death on December 4, 1907, Havemeyer and his companies have controlled the sugar refining business in the US.

From 1965 to 1868, Havemeyer trained in sugar refining in Williamsburgh, Brooklyn. At 22, Havemeyer became a partner in the family business of Havemeyers and Elder. A fire hit the company’s refinery in 1882. Henry and Theodore rebuilt the refinery on the same site which eventually became the largest sugar refinery in the US at that time.

In 1887, Havemeyer’s company became the cornerstone of the Sugar Trust. In two decades, Havemeyer was recognized as an expert in sugar industry and earned the nickname “Sugar King” and the dean of US refiners.

He founded the American Sugar Refining Company and served it as president until his death. He died a sudden death because no one expected it; he was at the height of his career. Havemeyer was controlling about 80% of the sugar business in the US during his death.

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