Tuesday, March 5, 2013

George Eastman: Invented the Roll Film that Put Photography on Mainstream

George Eastman was an entrepreneur and innovator. He was the founder of Eastman Kodak Company that popularized roll film in photography. Eventually, the roll film became the foundation of the motion picture film used by the first filmmakers, Louis Le Prince and Eadward Muybridge in 1888.

Eastman was also involved in a few philanthropic works. He founded the Eastman School of Music. He helped raise funds for the University of Rochester colleges of medicine and dentistry. He donated some amount for the construction of Hampton and Tuskegee universities. He funded some clinics in London and other major European cities to help the medical needs of low-income residents.

Born in Waterville, New York on July 12, 1854, Eastman was exposed to business at an early age. His father, George Washington Eastman, founded the Eastman Commercial College, a business school. However, George contracted brain disorder and died. To support Eastman’s schooling, his mother had to take in boarders.

Eastman patented the first roll film in 1884. He produced the first perfected Kodak camera in 1888, the camera designed for the roll film. When the demand for his camera and roll film grew larger, he founded the Eastman Kodak Company. The company was the first in mass production of standard photography equipment. In 1889, Eastman also produced the flexible transparent film which later became a vital part of the motion picture industry.

Aside from photography, Eastman was infatuated with music. He established the Eastman Theater and opened it on September 4, 1922. He named the chamber-music hall of the Theater after her mother, Maria.

Until he died on March 14, 1932, Eastman helped the Kodak Company administratively. He created paternal systems within the company as alternative to unions. He was responsible for the research facilities which became the front liner of the company’s development.

It was unfortunate that Eastman’s life ended the way it did. He contracted a spine disease which caused him intense pain. He saw his mother suffered the last two years of her life in a wheelchair because of an unknown spine condition. Not wanting to suffer the fate of his mother, Eastman committed suicide by shooting his heart.

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