Friday, February 1, 2013

WEI Mortgage Corporation’s Extensive Realtor and Builder Partnerships

Founded in 2002, WEI Mortgage Corporation (WEI) has established a leading presence in the direct home loan industry in a relatively short period of time. The firm’s position at the forefront of a fast-evolving lending industry reflects its unique partnership model that allows access a wide array of services. WEI has notably established strong relationships with local real estate agents and companies in key markets throughout the United States. These relationships have fostered referral and recruiting associations that have enabled significant expansion in recent years.

WEI Mortgage Corporation supports partner realtors through providing comprehensive, tailored support to all referred clients. As a direct lender, the company has the capacity to seek out optimal financing avenues and to quickly commit, process, and approve loans. A particular focus among WEI underwriting professionals involves eliminating the chance of rejections in the final moments of the loan approval process. In addition to its full range of fixed-rate and adjustable-rate mortgages, WEI Mortgage Corporation offers a host of refinancing pathways designed to extract cash value from owned properties and lower interest rates.

WEI’s trained loan consultants take pride in the relationships they have established with firms in the construction and development sectors. Communicating closely with builders, they accurately transmit the client’s ability to secure financing and seek to  provide a solid underwriting commitment within a day after initial home buyer interview. With hundreds of competitive programs accessible, WEI has the flexibility to drive transactions and can warrant condo and PUD projects. Closings take place in as little as 24 hours after underwriting clearance arrives, without prior notice. 

Visit the company's VentureBeat profile here.

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